Monday, October 7, 2013


We had another public holiday last week and Jeff was off work, so we left early in the morning (without the kids) and tackled this trail.  Can you see it running across the hills in this photo?  

I can see this trail from our window, and I didn't know we would be hiking all along what I can see from the window. Jeff said we would only be doing a section of this trail.  "Section" indicated partial, which got me on the bus. 

We did a section of the trail - kind of like you can hike a section of the 2000 mile Appalachian Trail in the eastern US.  My calves were burning and I couldn't breathe with ease going up this trail, and I had to run to go down the trail because running was easier. 

Yes, it was worth it.  The views are incredible!  But, when we got down to the bottom and got on the short bus-ride home, you could see the look in the eyes of the passengers, "please, please don't let those two dirty Americans sit next to me!"

Near the end of the trail we saw this gigantic vine with throns the size of small daggers.  When I came up on this, I had just looked up (because looking down on the trail was keeping me upright) and realized this was very close to giving me a bar-room style scar across my face. 

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