Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Her Future

Claire is not lacking for confidence, as we all know.  And, confidence is a good thing, in moderation! Humility is also a good thing, but I'm quite sure she hasn't an ounce of that.  And, as her parents, we have actually been working on her hubris in hopes of curtailing some of the downfalls that are potentially heading her way. 

While I love this picture of her on the rooftop (the part of the terrace not meant for anything other than water drainage), what I really wanted to show was a copy of her "2A representative speech" for school. The picture stands in place of the "not scanned" speech she wrote (my patience with the printer ran out). One person from grades two through five at her school will be chosen for a student council representative, but each person wanting to run must make a speech before their grade level peers. The actual student council offices will be held by the middle schoolers. 

Just below her picture, is the speech as she has written it. Yes, she needs spelling tutors!


Hi, my name is Claire Holcombe and if I get electeve I will listen to other people and will do my best to represent every one well and bring up good ideas and I will be kind and loveing twords others. I will not be rude to turn others down I will certyicy (courteous) and I will help people when they are hurt or in need of help. At all times I will trie to be wide awake and use all the fruits of the spirit.


  1. This is so precious!

  2. Debbie, I am in tears. Your girl is destined to do something great!!!!! I She had the confidence down - and I am sure it is laced with some humility - keep looking dear friend!! I realize you are living on a different continent; and I also acknowledge that run on sentences may not exist on your continent. (just saying.......love love love her speech - girl when end your speech with the fruits of the spirit all is well!!!!)

  3. Debbie this is so sweet. I realize you live on another continent and run on sentences may not exist on your continent - just saying!!!!!! Also, when you end your speech (no matter age, content, etc.) with the fruits of the spirit - all is well - love the picture - setting is everything!!!! Keep writing - thus allowing us to be feel connected to your and your sweet family.
