Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thank you, Cindy Lou

From the trip to Cambodia in June, another trip emerged. When Cindy helped the children in Kampot, she suggested that I talk with my HK church and mention a possible yearly trip to that same village.

I did mention this. Jeff and I sat with our pastor and his wife and told them all about the summer trip. They are not the type to sit on things for long. Of course, Charia, the person Cindy and I were with in Kampot, is partnered with our church, so most people in leadership know her and love what she is doing in Cambodia.

The next thing I knew there was a dental/medical trip on the schedule for November, only five months after Cindy and I went.  Again, our church GOES.

This is the village in Kampot. On the trip with Cindy, we only stayed one day and saw about 100 children, but it was mostly for wounds.

This trip we had two doctors and five dentists.

What I find most disturbing in this village is the diet. No, they don't have running water or toilets, so the area is definitely filthy, but the fact that someone goes into the town of Kampot and brings back sugars for these people to eat is horrible. They desperately need good nutrition and they just don't have it. They no longer grow their own food.

The dentists found massive decay in every mouth. They were disheartened because their first responsibility is to do no harm. We all had to ask, could we really help by going in once per year? They need a public health overhaul. The government of Cambodia just does not care about the people. It's a culture of survival of the fittest.

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