Sunday, March 26, 2017

Back to Catch-up

Graduation week for Forrest (June 2016) was nothing but one proud moment after another. He's been called an "outlier" by some of our friends, which is a term to keep us in check. Essentially, Forrest was born driven to change the world.  Forrest would have turned out this way if he had been raised by wolves; it hast nothing to do with us - but he's ours :)

The End of Year Awards: 2015-16 Senior Service to HKIS Award. Lauren Fine presented the award to Forrest and recounted all that he had done over the past three years for the school. He's a rock star in her eyes 🏆

So, to start the week off (after the awards at school), we were invited to a graduation party given by this sweet Swedish family. Their daughter is beautiful and is one of Forrest's close friends at HKIS. Her dad said to us (of Forrest and his daughter), "So many nights these two sit at this very table and talk about changing the world. I've never heard ideas and maturity come from such young people."

Then, we have this beautiful graduation dinner with parents and graduates (no siblings or grandparents invited) at a hotel in Central. So well done. Although, there was an interesting video shown of all the graduates answering different questions about their parents' lives. Forrest was asked about his parents' driving skills and he chose to tell the world I drive with my knees, as if I have no arms to use.
I'm not one to take photos of food, but this was the dessert. Not only was this Tiramisu beautiful, but also delicious.

This was my favorite part of the night.

Before graduation, the students had a Baccalaureate Service and Forrest gave the welcome speech and it was beautiful. Of course, we forgot to film it because we weren't really aware he was going to give it. Again, proud moment but poor parent-moment.

I believe this man, the principal of the high school, was just as proud of Forrest as we were. We've always prayed for adults in our kids' lives who will love them and support them (adults who give them good advice when they aren't in the mood to take advice from us).

Daniel, Forrest and Brent

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