Sunday, March 26, 2017

In Real Time - March 25, 2017

We've been married 22 years today, March 25th. It seems like a blink of time, but it also seems like it's always been "us."

I told someone just yesterday that I am married to someone who chooses everyday to be the best he can be, an attitude that spills over into everything he says and does and even thinks. But, it's the tiny decisions that seem to matter the most.

So, this might not seem like a little decision, but it is. Jeff knows that I would be just as happy staying home to celebrate our anniversary, but he also knows our time at home is rarely spent connecting with each other.
And, as busy as he is, he finds the time to research places (for off season prices and deals on flights) and books everything.

Flying to Bali is not a short flight, but the 4+ hours on a plane together is GREAT. We took the first two hours remembering that we belonged together without kids.

Once we made it to Bali, we had another 45 min flight to Lombok, and a 90 min drive to the Lombok Lodge, which is by far the most beautiful place we've ever stayed. But, the travel time was time spent together, which is all I needed.

Last night at the Lodge so we had dinner on the pier, alone.

The Lodge only has nine rooms and only two were being used at the time. Glorious!

Many places in Asia are doing this open shower idea, but not very many places get it right. The Lodge got it right.

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