Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Forrest, up next - TEDx

TEDx  YCISHK: High school senior and founder of the Emergency Medical Response Foundation, Forrest Holcombe, sheds light on the local problem that many people of Hong Kong are not aware of: Hong Kong has the worst survival rate from Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the developed world. This can most likely be attributed to slow ambulance response times, lack of access to Automated External Defibrillators, lack of Good Samaritan laws to protect bystanders (which leads to low bystander response rates), no medical priority dispatching, and no post-dispatch advice for Cardiac Arrest. We hope Forrest can call the community to take simple actions to increase survival rates for EMS through prevention, advocacy, research, and response.

Forrest was contacted by Yew Chung International School to speak at their TEDx event, Beyond the Limit.   I'm biased, but he was the best of all the speakers.

I felt it was a must to document the small details of this eventful day. First, we had to haul all these heavy CPR dummies to the event because Forrest was holding a breakout session on CPR. Forrest is a certified CPR/First Aid trainer, and very capable, but he is not capable of carrying these crazy-heavy things by himself.

And, because Ellis has been Forrest's lackey since Ellis was born, who better to help carry the burden.

Then, we had the wardrobe change on the MTR.

And, the last minute prep.

And, the excitement to sign in as a SPEAKER. 

The link to the actual talk:

And, Forrest and his fan club!

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