Sunday, March 26, 2017

Best graduation gift - family

While we certainly didn't expect it, the presence of family for Forrest's graduation was a treat for everyone. Nana, Cindy, and Joe endured the grueling flight from Atlanta to Seattle to Hong Kong in order to see Forrest graduate. Thankfully, the graduation was live streamed so Gran and Jack felt like they were a part of the celebration. And, Gran and Jack visited us just the year before, so they are now in queue for Ellis' graduation  ðŸ˜œ

This adventure is where I learned where Forrest had been spending most of his high school career. He was taking us places I didn't know existed in HK.

 This is about as close as we can get to The Peninsula Hotel. And, mom is not wearing a sign; she just has a terrible photographer.

No trip to HK is complete without visiting Victoria Peak. The day with Forrest was rainy, but cool, so another trip would have to take place before Nana, Cindy, and Joe returned to the States.

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