Friday, September 20, 2013


First of all, I was not on this little hike. Today was a public holiday, so at noon the boys of the family - Jeff, Forrest, Ellis, and Hank - decided to hit the trail, while the girls of the family decided to stay behind and lounge at the pool.  Another typhoon is coming and we needed to make sure we got our outdoor fun in on this side of the tyhoon. Bread and milk can come later.

But Ellis had other plans for our bread and milk money. 

I am no good with open wounds and blood.  Do we all remember when Ellis had eye surgery and I, the brave mother, had to vomit after seeing his eyes when he awoke? This is why God kept me at the pool today - divine intervention.

So, at this beautiful location on this very hot day, Ellis took at spill and sliced his hand. Forrest, the wonder-son was quick to wrap the hand in his shirt (this is from multiple viewings of Soul Surfer) and stayed calm and cool.  Then, all four males hiked out to the car. I got the call to figure out where we should go for stitches and the best way to get wherever this may be. I sent a quick text to two new friends and got the same answer from each - to the hospital by taxi.  So Jeff brought Hank and Forrest home and our sweet men who work at the gate to our community had a taxi waiting (I also had waiting peanut butter sandwiches, a banana, and peroxide to clean the wound on the way).

The greatest part of this story is the short time - less than 2 hour - it took to get to the hospital, get stitches, and get home.  This is crazy considering this is how long it takes me to get to the girls' school, watch a 15 minute presentation and get home.  I should take more taxis. I digress.

Anyway, twelve stitches later, Ellis is back together again. I spared you the graphic photo, but I have it for those of you who would like to examine it.

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