Sunday, September 29, 2013


Yep, that's the Land Rover.  Yes, it's in the middle of the road on Sunday afternoon. 

It just died as we got off the expressway, and Jeff put it in neutral, and just as neutral was about to become dead-stop, there was a little triangle in the road!  So, we sat there and both said, "what do we do?" I sent a text to a new friend and found a phone number for a tow service; within twenty minutes a tow truck was in front of us.  And, through this entire time, we never blocked traffic, ever!  It seemed there was no one of the road and I can't tell you how rare that is.  

Jeff drove with the tow truck and the girls and I sprinted across the street and got the bus home (taking pictures as I walked away).

 The boys stayed after church for a retreat today, so there was only the four of us to experience this adventure. I have a feeling the boys will be thanking the Lord for missing this one.  The girls, on the other hand, never worried one bit. This kind of stuff just doesn't phase them. As we were getting out of the car to run across the street, Claire was asking if she could go to the pool once we got home. 

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