Friday, August 23, 2013

Why don't I know another language???

So, we get an early start this morning because we found a store that opens at 9am, which is huge because most things don't open before 10am here.  I made my list and we were heading out for an ironing board and small waste baskets and a few school supplies (I have learned are hard to find).  The taxi ride to Aberdeen is only 15 minutes away and the girls love the taxi rides, especially when we get a really sweet driver who is trying so hard because he recognizes we need all the help we can get. 
The first thing I asked when I got to Japan Home was about delivery. The person working didn't speak English, but the customer next to me kindly translated my question without me even asking for help.  The person gave a dollar amount for delivery which seems to be standard here because so many people have to have things delivered.  The girls and I start shopping for the ironing board, and the slow cooker, and some school supplies, but when I went to check out, no one could help us at all.  I couldn't communicate and I found myself frustrated that the employees couldn't speak English, but why should they have to speak English. Right, they shouldn't have to.  I didn't act frustrated.  I vowed to make sure I learn a few basic phrases, all having to do with delivery! Of course, there is a difference between Cantonese and Mandarin and my understanding is that the differences are often subtle. 

So we put everything back except for the few things we could carry in our bags that we always have with us. In hindsight, I should have just bought everything and put it in the trunk of the taxi.  I'm such a newby!  The girls are so fine with all of this. The boys would have been mortified. 

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