Thursday, August 29, 2013

long days

This is the part of the school day I'm going to miss! I won't miss the three to four hours per day it took me to get them to school, walk them to different buildings on different city blocks, and then get back home again only to do the same thing in reverse for the afternoon.  I will miss sitting with the girls on the way home and watching this one sleep on the uber-cold bus.

Today, the girls started riding the school bus, and this is good because their international school is not close!  The school situation is tough and we have to be patient and wait until space opens up for the girls to get into the same international school as the boys, which is our preferrable school because it is so close to our house. Of course, the girls seem fine with everything, and their school is a nice school - it's just far!!  Also, at school, they really get a taste of living in a large city becuase their school is in a high rise (two different ones) and they have PE at the local park, which means they have to navigate the busy sidewalks and play where all the locals hang out, then navigate these areas back again. For two very gregarious girls, this is heaven.

On the first day of school for them, which was Monday, we had just walked out of the building and were making our way back home when we passed a store with lots of fish and "various" other items, and T said, "doesn't that smell good?"  Oh my! It did not smell good, but she's the true foodie in the house, not me!

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