Friday, August 23, 2013

Ferry Photo

I don't really have a photo from the ferry, but Jeff had a funny thing happen on the ferry today. So, he leaves Kowloon in the evening and rides the ferry to Hong Kong Island and then catches a taxi home, which is, for most days, very routine. Tonight, he was sitting beside a Chinese family (mom, dad, toddler girl, and grandmother).  The dad motioned to Jeff to take a picture, so Jeff nodded his head and stuffed his phone in his backpack, but when he looked up, the family pushed the little girl right next to Jeff and took a picture of him with the little girl!  I told him they must have mistaken him for some celebrity, but he said they were probably mainlanders and just wanted a picture of the American. I think it made his ride home just a little more pleasant. 

On the other hand, the girls and I were shopping this afternoon on the western side of Hong Kong Island, and when we decided to come home at 3:00, the first taxi refused to drive us to Stanley because he said it was too far!!!  It takes 20 minutes to drive us to Stanley, but Jeff reminded me of the possible shift change between 3 and 4 (I haven't confirmed that), and he said the drivers probably wanted to make a quick trip before changing shifts instead of hauling some American girls all the way to the end of the island. Lesson learned.

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