Friday, November 15, 2013

Do, re mi

A few days ago we were invited to an Italian restaurant in HK to enjoy The Sound of Music. Asian, Italian, Austrian, American fest. 
When we started the journey to the restaurant, we had four children, but ten minutes into the drive, Forrest decided it was not a good idea to put aside homework for Julie Andrews karaoke. Sensible, but we were already on our way.  So, what does he suggest? "Dad, let me out at the next bus stop and I'll get home."  So, we casually say, "Do you have your octopus card? Great!" Screeching breaks. "Hop out, quickly. See you later." Did I ask him to call when he made it home? No. We hardly slowed down enough for him to make it out the door without dragging him down.  The remaining three happy clams readjusted themselves to take advantage of the extra space left by a growing fifteen year old and off we went. 
They really miss their brother.

So, we make it to the restaurant to meet our friends (yep, we have some) at a table near a stage and a large screen. It wasn't long until we noticed lovely people dressed in Lederhosen and Dirndl. An instant smile.  This was going to be fun. We ordered our pasta and bread, the big screen opened, and that ever-so-familiar tune began. The whole movie! We were going to watch the whole movie! 

It wasn't long until the first song comes along and the music began and the sing-along began. The words appeared on the screen just like in karaoke. You know, the words change colors as you need to sing them. We were all singing so loudly.  Watch.

This is a long movie, so an intermission was necessary. And, because the singers and their guests had the restaurant for the evening, they could make this intermission whatever they pleased. After a round of fun Sound of Music trivia, the MC asked all those wishing to reveal their costumes to come on stage. And, because these people decided it was okay to take the stage, I figure they must be okay with being on my blog. 

After intermission, we all realized it was 9 pm and we had a good 45 minutes to get back to Stanley, so we ordered a quick tiramisu (because we can't seem to leave a restaurant without it if it's on the menu) and got up to leave. And, as if this evening wasn't wonderful enough, a fun group of girls with white coifs (napkins) on their heads (they didn't have costumes so had to create in a pinch) sang us out the door.  "So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night, I hate to go and leave this pretty sight . . . " 

Oh, to always be so joyful!

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