Saturday, April 16, 2016

Summer, part 1 - June 2015

The boys' trip to Philmont Scout Ranch has been in the plans since Jeff missed this adventure 30 years ago. Truly. When the boys were 10 and 13, Jeff decided they would all go in 2015 (no matter where we were living).

Sadly, they didn't get to go to Philmont with their Hong Kong troop or their NC troop (they had to trek the 89 miles with a strange troop, which seemed to cause Jeff and the boys to be happily huddled together in their own little troop). But, this was the last year Forrest could make the trip and the first year Ellis was old enough to be on the trip. So, troop or no troop, the boys were going.

I think this is one of the hardest weeks the boys have ever had (up to their years). The number of miles covered, the weather, and the troop that was not their own made for difficult situations. But, none of them regret the experience. And, Jeff and I love the experience that build character and resilience without breaking the spirit.

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