Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I will forget . . . Feb 2015

I told myself I would keep this blog going so I would have memories that were captured in the moment. BUT, I've failed for the second time in a short three years (a little less than) to continue this blog I've started. And, I do this all the time in so many areas of my life; it's a miracle I have the college degrees I have.

So, I begin again. I left off in early February 2015, so I'll start there.

Cambodia, 2015. Going to Phnom Penh with our church in Hong Kong has been an amazing adventure. This is our second year on this trip to visit Charia, who is a Cambodian woman who runs a school in the slum to supplement the education that is sorely lacking for these kids in the local school. We also visit family who ministers to another slum area by building homes and offering classes for better parenting and anti-trafficking.

Our team steps in for one week and tries to offer what these leaders need. We are very aware of the problems short-term trips can cause, so we ask specifically how NOT to do this. So, here's one thing we do: we take all the Cambodian kids, 50 of them, and load them up in vans, and haul them over to a place they will never be able to go without us, KidCity. We pay for them to play laser-tag, race go-carts, and rock climb (all indoors with aircon - major plus). We also get a list of things to buy in HK they cannot get in PP, and we bring it along because shipping something to Phnom Penh is practically impossible due to corrupt practices.  Is it clean, no. Is it luxurious, no. Is it comfortable, no. But we laugh and cry and we share this world. And, that's what it becomes. Barriers break down because we all seem to realize we didn't plan our births or our family situations.

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