Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Can it be 4 years already?

June 2017, marks our fourth school year completed in Hong Kong. It seems like we've been here forever, yet it also seems like yesterday we were wiping away the tears of four very sad little Holcombes.

Not anymore. Claire told me this week she would only leave HK to attend university and then she was coming right back. Forrest is in the US, but keeps pushing us to stay at least seven years so we can all get permanent residency cards (him included because he's still on the payroll). Ellis doesn't share Claire's exact sentiment, but he's not far from it (he wants to travel the world for his career). Taylor just wants to be where Jeff and I are living (she'll be taking care of us in our old age).

Claire finished fifth grade (no fifth grade graduation at HKIS - they have a tough enough time allowing the eighth graders to "graduate") and ended her year with this lovely letter. She's the most articulate 11 year old I know.

 For the end-of-year celebration, she was given this award from her class: The Most Likely to Write a Spy Novel. Thanks to her incredible teacher, Mr Monson, she spent the year getting great encouragement in her writing and great feedback to improve in her writing.

 Taylor, on the other hand, had a proper graduation that began with curling that beautiful hair (that is already curly, but apparently the wrong kind of curly).

But, the Typhoon 8 signal was raised just an hour before the ceremony was to begin. The rain and the winds postponed graduation from Monday night to Tuesday morning. And, while the T8 signaled was lowered sometime in the middle of the night, we still had a Red Rain going on at the time of graduation Tuesday morning, which is no good for hair on your graduation day. But, that smile remained on our sweet Taylor.

Ellis completed tenth grade on June 12th (13th if he had stayed for the last day instead of heading to Milan, Italy with Jeff).  Ellis also completed another chunk of his BSA requirements. He made it to Life, just one step (large step) away from Eagle. 

The last days of school can be fun but also sad. Friends often move away from HK at the end of every school year. They go off to boarding school or their parents get transferred. The sad part of living in such a transient place is the loss of friends.

Wils has been Ellis's best friend since we moved here, and there will be a huge hole left in Ellis's heart where Wils has been for the last four years.

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