Thursday, October 23, 2014

Revolving Door

This week has been a series of children coming and going.

Taylor had four days with the sixth grade in Beijing for a cultural experience, with the biggest cultural experience being the pollution index.  The second would be the experience of spending the night with peers. She's almost 12 and this was her first overnight trip (other than the grandparents) without Jeff and me. I wasn't really planning on it being such a dramatic first experience. Beijing? Really?

Claire also had her first overnight (other than grandparents), and she was really nervous. So, the day before she left, she looked over at me and said,
"Mom, I really, I mean really, love you.  But, I wish I could love you without missing you." She's only gone for two nights in the New Territories, a part of Hong Kong that is just too far by bus for me to enjoy.

This is the letter she left for Taylor (the girls share a bedroom).  I think the "heart planet" is a nice touch. 

As typical of Ellis, he just seemed to disappear without me getting a picture.

As all the children did, he packed himself (I try not to think too much about that). I did hand over his passport and HK ID that he is required to have to get into China, but that's because those documents stay in our hands whenever possible.  I drove him to the school where he boarded a bus for a five hour drive into China to Qing Yau, where he will stay for five days. His back pack was terribly light for five days. Then, I drove away and realized I didn't take one photo!

Forrest is home all week enjoying the solitude, I believe.

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