Monday, October 20, 2014

Diseases and other school tales

She's always the witty one!

Claire: "Mom, today at school Subin and Minhee and I started our project creating our own culture."
Mom: "That's great."
Claire: "We named it Chlamydia" (I'm sure she didn't spell it correctly), "but our teacher told us Chlamydia is a disease and we should probably come up with at new name." 

Thankfully, no one thought to ask the teacher the nature of the disease.

Last night, we were at dinner with Ellis and Forrest and Claire (Taylor is still in Beijing trying to breathe), when Jeff decided to ask the boys if they could name the prettiest girls in their grades. I thought Ellis was going to spew water out of his nose, but not from laughing.  Forrest couldn't even eat his pizza.

Forrest: "Dad, I can't answer."

Jeff: "I have a reason for asking. There's a follow-up question."

Forrest and Ellis: "What's the follow-up?"

Forrest:  "I can't answer the question without knowing the follow-up."

Jeff: "I don't want to tell you the follow-up yet.  Just tell me about the girls."

No dice, the boys weren't budging. Jeff finally had to tell them his follow-up question, which was going to be, "What makes the girls pretty?" This led to a short discussion (not the long meaningful discussion we hoped for) about true beauty.

Claire was quietly listening, and then, suddenly she had something to say.

Claire: "Dad, how many girls did you kiss before you kissed mom?"

Bingo, the boys were off the hook. Ellis was glad to get on that bus to Qingyuan, China this morning.

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