Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Do I have no real depth?

While I find it fun to post these absolutely silly things, I really mourn the fact that I seem to have no talent for posts that are philosophically unsettling, or, at the very least, spiritually moving.  

No, it seems I have a subconsious need to keep all of those things hidden deep in my brain.

As for today's topic of enlightenment - Forrest apologizes for the poor quality, but he was in the men's washroom and felt his photography needed to be somewhat stealthy just in case the other men felt he was being somewhat sleazy. 

Ironically, the girls and I were in a washroom today that had absolutley no sign, yet not one of the toilets flushed (HK is not a third world country - we were in a fabulously nice building with nice western toilets).  Strangely enough, Taylor knew exactly what to do.  Near the sinks was a large blue garbage bin full of water with a large, matching blue scooper floating in the water. She walked right out of her stall, scooped the water, and poured it into the toilet. She had to do the same for Claire because Claire was having nothing to do with this kind of manual labor. I shutter to think what Ellis would have done in a washroom with no flushing toilets - he notices nothing that resembles sanitary measures, yet can tell the difference between a Scarlet tananger and a Summer tanager (song birds) with a mere glance.

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