Monday, March 10, 2014

Tim Keller

This morning I told Taylor that I am going to see Tim Keller on March 22nd and her response was great.  "Really?  I can't believe you're gonig to see Tim Keller and I'm NOT going to see Taylor Swift." I love that thinks they are equally famous!  In our house, he's definitely a rock star.

We listen to his podcasts over and over and try, usually unsuccessfully, to share his incredibly brilliant insights as much as possible.  We heard he was coming to Hong Kong, but today we were invited to join this group for a luncheon where he will speak.  I am pumped.

How the Gospel Shapes Your Work


From New York to Hong Kong and to Asia
While we all know Tim Keller as an author, senior pastor, preacher, he is also the Founder
and Chairman of the Board for Redeemer City to City. Over the past few years, a small
group of business leaders and church leaders from Hong Kong and around Asia have been
quietly but faithfully responding to the biblical vision for our cities, joining together to
establish the Asia arm of the City to City urban mission. Tim comes and officiates the launch
of City to City Asia Pacific for us. We want to give thanks to the forerunners of our leaders
in Asia, as well as presenting God’s call to more upcoming urban leaders to engage with us.
Your will hear God’s stories unfolding dynamically in Hong Kong, China, Tokyo & ....
how we in Hong Kong are serving others as a hub city with the love and truth of Christ.

DATE 22 MARCH 2014 Saturday
8 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

This will include a lunch and contribution towards City to City work

theological vision for the city more urban churches more gospel-shaped urban leaders



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