Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas in HK

No, we are not spending Christmas in Hong Kong.  No, I brought no Christmas decorations from the states because I knew we would need them in the mountains - where we would be spending Christmas. 

But, everyone revolted when I said there was no need to put up a Christmas tree.  And, Jeff was the leader of the revolt. 

Seriously, we leave seven days before Christmas and we don't get back home until 10 days after Christmas (that math makes me crazy because I know we only spend 11 days in North Carolina, but the crazy time difference and the enormous amount of time on a plane cancels out some of those days). 

Yes, it now seems like Christmas in HK, and I'm glad there was a revolt.  The tree is beautiful and I bet we didn't spend $100 US in ornaments thanks to a little felt, thread, styrofoam, glitter, and twine. 

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