Saturday, April 1, 2017

CNY 2016 AND 2017

Since moving to Hong Kong in 2013, Chinese New Year has been a time of year for service in Cambodia (for our family) or the Philippines (when the kids started joining the youth group).

This year (2017, the year of the rooster), Taylor joined the middle school - for the second year - in Cebu, Philippines. This team partners with a school in Cebu that was started by a couple from our church.

In 2017 - over CNY - the high school youth didn't have a CNY trip and Forrest was in the states and Jeff needed to be in Korea working???

Over Chinese New Year 2016, we were divided between three mission trips. The boys were in one area of the Philippines, Taylor was in another, and Jeff and I, along with Claire, were back in Cambodia.

This is why everyone likes to go to the Philippines: Krispy Kreme in the airport. High school team.

Taylor's middle school group in Cebu 2016

And, last, our group of four families in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Tarantula eating is always on the menu in Phnom Penh. Personally, I'm never hungry enough for this item.

These are always difficult trips because we are wicked hot and extremely filthy (both in Cambodia and the Philippines), but the help given to our partners on the ground is worth every moment of discomfort.

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