Friday, June 13, 2014

Wow! Time flies

Not that anyone notices that I'm not writing on the blog, but when I started this blog, I told myself I would actually chronicle our time in HK so that I would have something to look back on when I'm trying to remember that I acutally lived here.

Of course, I did notice the last post was just a few days before we decided to pull the girls out of their school and homeschool them for the remainder of the year - possible reason to stop posting, but no excuse for losing my intention.

But today I sent eveyone (except our helper) out of Hong Kong, so this turns out to be a perfect day to catch up on EVERYTHING. At 8am the Jeff and all the kids headed to the airport - the boys to catch a flight to the States, and Jeff and the girls to catch a flight to Singapore (daddy trip).

The things I want to remember:

First, this is Ellis' luggage for seven weeks of travel (including his carry-on for the plane).  And, it's probably more than he needs.

Second, the change in the kids has been dramatic since landing in HK almost one year ago. As the boys were walking out the door with smoothies and bagels in hand, I realized how calm they both seemed, despite being on their way to board a plane for a 15 hour flight without anyone but each other. Their confidence and independence has increased many-fold since our move (language barriers and trecherous bus rides to thank for that).

On the other hand, these two (who are also much more independent) think they are headed to Sentosa for a weekend of swimming with dolphins. Little do they know what awaits them in Singapore! Taylor Swift. 

Jeff kept the concert tickets a secret. They arrived at the hotel, had dinner, and then walked to the arena. Taylor asked what he was doing and he said, "Let's just see about tickets." Taylor knew about the concert but she also knew it was sold out since the day she asked about going. Jeff worked his magic to find the tickets, but the girls continued to think the concert was sold out, so they were focused on Sentosa Island (still a great adventure). Once they got to the arena, Taylor said, "Daddy, they won't let us in without tickets." This is when he showed them their THIRD ROW tickets. Cool Daddy.

So, as the boys are flying over Canada, asleep in their pods, the girls have been asked by one of the guards to come forward to stand closer to the stage! Crazy. Jeff said little girls everywhere were crying with admiration. He's creating some wonderful memories. Love does, as says one of my new favorite books.

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